Good Times -> Wang Dang Doodle -> West L.A. Fadeaway Blow Away -> Queen Jane Approximately Loser Cassidy -> Don't Ease Me In
Set 2
China Cat Sunflower -> I Know You Rider Looks Like Rain -> Eyes Of The World -> Drums -> Space -> The Wheel -> Dear Mr. Fantasy -> Hey Jude -> I Need A Miracle -> Black Peter -> One More Saturday Night
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April 10, 2018 Subject:
One of the best shows EVER
Been seeing shows since 1977, mostly home shows in the SF Bay area, but I was at this show in good old Cincinnati, and let me tell you, this one was VERY SPECIAL. From the opening note of Good Times till the closing note of Box of Rain, this show is why you followed the band: because some nights they just got it right, and I feel sorry for those who could not figure this out, especially those who were there. Certainly helped to be in the 4th dimension and 22nd row on Phil's side (outer aisle seats) for this festival of the mind! Maybe if you crank it up to 11 you'll get what I am saying. Last but not Least: this recording is incredfible good. Thank you Charlie Miller, Joani Walker, and Paul Scotton. This was a night I will never forget and this source makes it easy.
February 12, 2018 Subject:
bread crumb
I sang a little while and then flew on.
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April 8, 2017 Subject:
Brent on Doodle.
Love his organ solo. Can picture Billy in my head with his head cocked, eyes closed and keeping the beat, loving it too.
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April 8, 2012 Subject:
The China>Rider was spectacular
particularly the transition and the entire Rider. Probably the best I ever saw live.
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October 8, 2009 Subject:
Oh my God, that "Loser," spectacular.
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July 7, 2009 Subject:
IMO the boys could do no wrong in 89. This is a fine show and an even better recording. Charlie got it right again. Don't pass it by.Phil doing box for the encore pushes it over the edge to a five star. But then again it's just one mans opinion. You be the judge.
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June 18, 2008 Subject:
Good but not special
Overall: good show, but nothing particularly amazing. Unless you want to listen for nostalgia’s sake, it shouldn’t be too high on the listening list for this tour. The scene: this is the only show of this tour that I have absolutely no memory of, and listening now, I can see why – it was good (everything on this tour was good) but nothing stands out too much. The only thing I remember is the next day, we were just about the only vehicle left in the parking lot by the time we got up and got going. The clean-up vehicles were clearing the parking lot (what an enormous freakin mess), and we felt like we had overslept or something (why’d everyone else leave overnight?). The music: a good, but fairly uneventful show all the way through. Jer’s voice is struggling a bit, but like the rest of this tour, Brent steps up pretty nicely.